The United States fares worse in preventing pregnancy-related deaths than most other developed nations. In Nevada, pregnant women and new mothers face similar challenges: severe maternal mortality in the state rose 29% in recent years (according to UnitedHealth Foundation’s 2022 America’s Health Rankings Report.

In 2022, one of Nevada’s key recommendations to reverse this trend included ensuring the widespread use of doulas. A doula is a professional childbirth assistant who also provides personalized care, education, and emotional support. This certified professional attends to a pregnant mother’s needs throughout their pregnancy and beyond.

UnitedHealthcare Health Plan of Nevada created its Medicaid Doula Program (video can be seen below this paragraph) in partnership with Vegas Family Doulas to support women of color, fill a current gap in care and ensure these women are not just surviving, but thriving in their pregnancy, delivery and post-partum. After a year and a half collaboration, there are many success stories to be told.

Health Plan of Nevada’s Medicaid Doula Program

UnitedHealthcare Health Plan of Nevada is announcing a $10,000 donation to Vegas Family Doulas to institute a scholarship assistance program that will fund training and state certification for approximately a dozen new doulas in the Las Vegas area. In the short and long term, this initiative could help our community see a decrease in cesarean sections, decreased low birth weight infants, and an overall lower cost of care. Learn more about the program here: Nevada doula program helps support women of color through pregnancy | UnitedHealthcare (,